Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources (FRNR) of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)
FRNR KNUST is one of the faculties of the University, with a mandate to train, research and disseminate knowledge in sustainable agriculture, renewable natural resources management and rural development. FRNR has 2 faculties, 13 academic departments and 3 Research Centers: Bureau of Integrated Rural Development (BIRD), Dairy/Beef cattle Research Station, Boadi and Agriculture Research Station, Anwomaso. FRNR KNUST offers undergraduate programmes leading to the award of a Bachelor of Science degrees in: Agriculture, Natural Resources Management, Post-Harvest Technology, etc.
FRNR KNUST also offers postgraduate programmes (MSc, MPhil and PhD) in Agroforestry; Crops and Soil Science; Agricultural Economics, Extension and Farm Management; Agribusiness Management; Natural Resource and Environmental Governance; Silviculture and Forest Management; etc. FRNR is involved in a number of collaborative researches with National and International Institutions and Organizations such as FORIG, MOFA, Forestry Commission, ICRA, and CIDA among many others. The faculty has a total student population of about 2000, an academic staff of about 90, and about 130 supporting staff.